The Salvation Army of Waco

Waco Needs Hope

The most vulnerable people of Waco and McLennan County need to be supported with God’s love. For over 130 years, The Salvation Army has done just that.

We must meet the complex needs of those facing homelessness today with the same compassionate Salvation Army care we’ve provided for over a century in Waco.

We did a study in 2019 with Baylor University. It revealed two top needs facing our Waco community:

  • More housing for homeless families
  • A Day Center for the Homeless

In conversation with the City of Waco, we’ve identified a place to build a much-needed, brand-new Center of Hope: 1324 LaSalle Avenue.

Our new facility on LaSalle will provide:

One “campus style” Day Center for the Homeless on the South Terrace Bus Route

Access to a diverse set of resources, all in one place

More family apartments to house families in transition

Dedicated beds for veterans, close to their caseworkers

A home for our
administrative offices

“The first night I got to The Salvation Army… I knelt down and I was so thankful to the Lord. Just having a roof over my head and shelter, I felt that safety that I needed.” – Jeanette

Hope For Tomorrow Begins Today – And With You

The Salvation Army Waco’s Building Hope campaign gives you the opportunity to change the lives of men, women, and children for generations to come.

We are in the midst of raising $20 million to fully fund the new Center of Hope.

We have already secured $11 million through property sales and other funding sources. Now we need your help!

Please help offer the best support possible so that individuals and families can leave homelessness for good.

Will you join us?

Please consider this today and
feel free to contact us with any questions:

Major Jeffrey Miracle
Corps Officer
(O) 254-756-7271
(C) 214-445-7114


“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18